Oui et alors ? Les américains le savent tous. ils l'ont élu pas pour ce genre de raison. Encore un archaïsme très européen.
@kaeleens : Que tu le saches ou non ne change rien. Les américains le savent très bien. Je reviens des USA et la plupart des gens le savent ce n'est un mystère pour personne si tu le découvres ben c'est ton problème.
@ kaeleens : C'est toi qui me traite de prétentieux alors que tu parles en disant que si tes compatriotes le savaient ils auraient soi disant tous la même réaction que toi. Ah aha ah je ne suis pas américain de souche c'est tout ce que tu as trouvé petite prétentieuse. Nous les américains on est un peuple qui s'est construit sur une multitude de cultures europ, indiens, asiatique, juifs, italiens afrique etc...Il n'ya pas de vrais américains de souche excepté les indiens d'Amérique. Preuve que tu n'es pas américaine ta réaction est typique. Je travaille dans une organisation ou il faut absolument être né de parents américains loll. Moi je ne me prends pas pour ce que je ne suis pas. Par contre toi c'est sur que tu es américaine depuis peu. Tu parles comme une européenne. Tu t'es mariée avec un américain pour avoir la carte verte ou la citoyenneté et tu te crois américaine. C'est comme si tu disais que le gouverneur de Californie est un vrai américain et que Will Smith ou Dickinson sont de faux américains. C'est une réaction très européenne ça de parler de souche origine couleur religion nom de famille etc...
Donc je te redis la même chose si tu ne le savais pas c'est ton problème va déposer une plainte chez mc cain ah aha ah fausse américaine du net. Obama est vainqueur et oui il s'appelle Hussein et oui tu ne peux rien y faire ah aha ah ah aha aha. Plonge dans l'hudson river ou plutôt dans la Seine loll.
To kaeleens : Last one.
Scum of the seewer ? Loll
So ridiculous you are to judge someone without seeing this person one time in your life. So french reaction!!
"My grand father was 1/5 sioux et 1/5 objibwe... can't do better!" 2 days for this. Yes good research on a website to prove that you're a real American.
"1/5 ? can't do better " "on peut pas faire mieux" loll Yes french expression one more time.
Sorry but if you'd had sioux origins you'd never say racists remarks on other threads. My hometown is L.A. and i know 5 persons who are indian american descent and they are not racist as you are & they have not racial problems. I saw what you say on mexican or african american or asian people on other threads. Why don't you go in Russia or in South Africa ? They still practise what you seem to love there.
You bark like a dog and you are so agressive cause Obama is president. Only hater you are.
Maybe you lived in america maybe you had a job in America but your spirit mind is not american. Easily viewable. You have so negative sentences. I doubt a lot that you can bring something for USA.
You use this expression "creme of the creme"
Sorry ? Creme of the creme ?
Ok you are not and will never be an english-speaking person. Don't try to be another fake US person you invented.
For me i only speak french italian and spain cause i work for an international US Organisation. Yes i meet sometimes in my numerous travels other people like you and this famous huge french's hubris who try to appear as US Citizens as you do.
Wow you're so american that you have typical french people reaction who are not free in their mind and need to justify their nationality or downgrade other persons claiming they have green card or you need to determine nationality on ethnics criterias. Lol.
Good lesson for you an american citizen who is racist will never determine nationality with colour.
Good proof you've not american mind cause you think like in Europe except in England that a real american is white. American Indians have bronzed dye & Geronimo was a mulatto. So stupid way of thinking.
You're such an angry confused woman.
OBAMA is the president of USA.
No choice you have to accept this fact!!
Loll what a big liar you are. It's laughable. ignorant ? I've studied in UCLA for 5 years included 1 year in France with exchange program.
You think that an international US Organisation will employ ignorant people ? Loll. Year maybe in your country with 35 hour a week.
We're pragamatic here. We work a lot to earn money not the same thing in your country you wanna money without working. American Democrats are not like your stupid socialist politics. I'm actually in London for my job this is the city i prefer in Europe cause English speaking persons know to do business. However we are the country of freedom and the best place on earth to make money.
Yes it makes sense.
You are french. "poor little thing" wow good french expression one more time loll. Be proud of your country instead giving lessons of "human beeing" lolll
I'm american and proud of my country never in my life i would like to change in french citizen or to be french citizen like you loll. As people say in your country :beurrk.
What's the problem ? You're not proud of your berets breads & wine ? Loll
Do not care of my president Obama.
Take care of your president Sarkozy.
We don't need people like you to be a great country.
I will die in USA my country. You will die in France your country loll. And please when you go back in France don't forget your huuuuuuuuuuuuuge french's hubris. So laughable loll.